Health and Nutrition

Kansans increasingly seek information about their food and nutrition needs, about how to prepare easy, nutritious meals, and about physical activity. Helping Kansans eat more healthfully and increase physical activity can improve their quality of life now and in the future and reduce health care costs. Learning to eat healthfully can also stretch food budgets. In order to prevent food-borne illnesses, K-State University scientists and educators present information on safe food handling practices for the benefit of Kansans.

View the K-State Research and Extension Health and Nutrition homepage.

View the K-State Research and Extension Health and Wellness homepage.

What does a nutritious diet look like? Follow this link to discover the importance of a balanced diet, learn how to make healthy food and drink choices, find exercises to improve your overall well-being, and peruse more information about leading a healthy lifestyle.

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Follow these links for quick and easy tips, videos, articles, and recipes for healthier lifestyle choices.

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